Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Bully Bloggerz

Michele and Deena have pushed me into the world of blogging. Deena came at me first and tried to get things going and Michele finished me off and here I am. Thanks to the two of you for getting me started Im sure I will still need a lot of help. I think they were hoping if I started blogging then they would not have to listen to me constantly talking about Spencer but, sorry its not going to happen. This is my survival mode talk and show pics and texts to anyone and everyone. Trust me you all are about to see what I mean. Thanks you guys.


Michele said...

I love hearing all the exciting stories and seeing the pics of cute Spencer, as does everyone. You are clearly a loving mother, very devoted/proud of her son, so let 'er rip!

Kelly R said...

You're so inspiring Shelly! And a great writer - you kept me reading!